Enable Crisis Management

In a crisis, objectives change fast. Everybody needs to know their part in getting to higher ground. An increase in remote workforce risks isolation, and disconnection from what a business needs or wants. We cannot lose sight of revenue, profit and cash positions.

Wouldn’t having a system that gives you faster, better understanding of the decisions your teams are facing be helpful? Giving your teams a predetermined path to escalate customer changes is more important today than ever.

Every organization is being pushed to new levels of responsiveness. Anything you do to increase that capacity or speed could be vital to survival. We can help.

Introducing the Enable Crisis Management Playbook

Create rapid, coordinated, and sustained organizational response with a Licensed Enable Consultant guiding you through our Crisis Management Playbook. 

The Details

What Is It:

  • Daily huddles for critical teams
    • Executive
    • Business Development/Sales/Marketing
    • Operations/Service
    • Front Line
  • Prescribed script for what to track, how to track, and how to action daily
  • Online visual management for distributed teams
  • Implemented by a Licensed Enable Consultant in 10-20 days

Helping You:

  • Identify crisis management lead, teams and team membership per the prescribed format
  • Train crisis management lead and CEO on objectives (expounding on notes in playbook, simulating daily huddles)
  • Crisis management lead (and CEO for Executive level) work with appropriate stakeholders in each team
  • Enable Digital Platform custom set-up (very quick process done by Enable, Inc.)
  • Go live – Enable consultant support until teams are functional

"There is no better way to fully engage your workforce...

…and get every brain in the company working on these unprecedented challenges than through the methodology Enable™ has developed. Simple, clear, effective – and built on philosophy of empowerment and communication that EVERY company would be proud to include within its culture.

Jeff Veyera

President, Engage Consulting LLC

We are your war room, and we are the operating system you take into your future.


Learn more about how you can bring Enable™ to your business today. Submit the form below and a team member will contact you shortly.